
Hi, I'm Maria Victoria Behler architect and urban planner, originally born in Argentina and currently living in Germany. In this website you can have a look at my work which is focused on architecture, urban planning and design based on research and analytical thinking. I enjoy being part of the design process and provide a scientific background as well as structuring the concept roots for challenging projects.

I am a 100% supporter of building cities for people. I do believe architecture and urban planning are political; therefore, we as architects have a moral responsibility when re-thinking existing city scenarios as well as for providing new insights for a city fragment.

Conceptual thinking, strategic planning, design structure, architecture and urban planning are the key words I can find reviewing my academic and professional background. I would be happy to collaborate in new projects within these fields and also why not? digging into new fields through research work, multidisciplinary teams and great challenges. Do we fit together?

Photo credits: Larissa Barth (see walter ≠ bauhaus / walterisnotequaltobauhaus project)
